Scholarships in Germany for International Students 2024 (2024)

Germany is comparatively affordable – both in terms of living costs as well as education costs.

Higher education at most public universities is nearly free. But, of course, if you’re studying abroad there are so many other things to account for besides tuition fees. Which is probably what brings you to our scholarship guide.

Luckily, there are plenty of scholarships to choose from in Germany. So, let’s go and get into more detail.

Check out these scholarships for international students in Germany:

Table of Contents

Government and Organization-Funded Scholarships

Some of the most generous scholarships for Germany are from government and organization-funded programs. They play a big role in making higher education here even more accessible for students from all over the world.

Here are the most popular scholarships in this category:

Expatrio Scholarship

Who can apply? The Expatrio scholarship is open to international students from all countries. Applicants must have applied for the Expatrio Value Package and plan to start studying in Germany in the upcoming semester (winter semester 2024).

What does the scholarship cover? Expatrio will pick three main winners: the first prize is €12,000, the second place receives €6,000, and the third place gets €3,000. Many more prizes will be awarded from the fourth to tenth-place winners.

What are the requirements? Students are assessed based on their video submission answering the following question: Why are you passionate about the field of study you are pursuing in Germany? Your video should be in mp4 format, should not be longer than 2 minutes, or include any copyrighted content.

When is the deadline? The deadline to send your video submission is 30th September 2024.

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DAAD Scholarship Programs

Who can apply? DAAD Scholarships annually awards students from all over the world who want to pursue master’s degrees, Ph.D. studies, and postdoctoral research in Germany.

What does the scholarship cover? The fully-funded scholarships offer monthly stipends (€992 for graduates and €1,200 for doctoral/Ph.D. students). Most programs also offer travel allowances, payment towards health insurance costs, and annual study allowances.

What are the requirements? Applicants should display good academic performance and achievements. Depending on the scholarship, you’ll need to present a recognized school leaving certificate, proof of proficiency in the language of instruction or working language(s), and relevant internships or work experience.

When is the deadline? Deadlines for DAAD Scholarships vary by type and country. For accurate and up-to-date information, check the program details on the official DAAD website.

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Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarships

Who can apply? This scholarship program is open to master’s and doctoral students of all nationalities, who are studying at universities, universities of applied sciences, and universities of the arts in Germany.

What does the scholarship cover? The scholarship values depend on your nationality and level of studies:

  • Student scholarships. EU nationals/students educated in Germany receive up to €812 and a €300 study allowance per month (plus other possible allowances). Non-EU nationals/refugees not educated in Germany get €992 per month, plus health insurance and other allowances.
  • Doctoral scholarships. German & foreign students educated in Germany and EU nationals not educated in Germany receive a basic scholarship of €1,450 per month plus a monthly €100 allowance. Non-EU nationals & students educated outside of Germany receive €1,400 per month, a €100 monthly mobility allowance, plus other individual allowances.

What are the requirements? Here are the application requirements and selection criteria for the two scholarship types:

  • Student scholarships. Students applying for the master’s degree scholarship should include a copy of their first degree certificate or first professional qualification and showcase academic achievements, social engagement, and motivation.
  • Doctoral scholarships. Germans/foreign students educated in Germany, EU nationals/students not educated in Germany, and non-EU nationals/students not educated in Germany are all eligible. To apply, you need to have proof of admission to doctoral studies. Applicants should also demonstrate excellent academic performance, research project quality, social engagement, and motivation.

When is the deadline? There are two deadlines to accommodate the two semesters: March 1st and September 1st of each year.

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DeutschlandStipendium National Scholarship Program

Who can apply? The Deutschlandstipendium is available to any student who is currently enrolled or will soon be enrolling at a partner institution of the scholarship, as long as they are within the standard duration of their studies.

What does the scholarship cover? The scholarship awards 300 euros per month for at least two semesters, with the possibility to extend for the entire standard period of studies.

What are the requirements? The Deutschlandstipendium is granted by universities, therefore applicants must fit the requirements of the university they apply to. Selection criteria most often include high academic performance, social engagement, and personal achievements. This scholarship is not based on personal or parental income and doesn’t affect BAföG grants.

When is the deadline? The application period depends on the university but is usually around the months leading up to the start of the academic year (June to August).

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Scholarship

Who can apply? The scholarship is for international students with a first university degree, who want to do a master’s, PhD, or research program at a German university that lasts at leat four semesters.

What does the scholarship cover? The scholarship offers financial assistance, personal guidance, a seminar program, and access to the KAS network. Graduate students receive €992 per month for two years and PhD students receive €1,400 per month for three years. More subsidies for health insurance, family allowance, children’s allowance, and course-related fees may be available.

What are the requirements? Master’s applicants must have a university degree, demonstrate strong academic performance, possess B2-level German language skills, engage in voluntary work, plan for a minimum of four semesters in Germany, have a broad education, and support democracy and human rights.

Ph.D. applicants should fulfill the same criteria as master’s applicants along with some additional requirements. You’ll need to provide a detailed thesis description, a second academic letter of recommendation from your thesis supervisor, and confirmation of supervision by your doctoral advisor.

When is the deadline? Deadlines and application procedures are different for international applicants from focus countries or regions determined for the year. We recommend consulting the respective office of the foundation in your home country for more information. For domestic applicants in Germany, the application period ends on July 15th of every year.

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Erasmus+ Scholarship Programs

Who can apply? The Erasmus+ scholarships for studying abroad are open to students in short-cycle, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs who want to participate in an exchange program in Germany. Students from EU Member States and associated third countries are mostly eligible, but there are also many opportunities for students from non-associated countries.

What does the scholarship cover? Students receive a one-time travel grant and a monthly stipend for daily living expenses in Germany. They’re also exempt from tuition, registration, and examinations fees, among other benefits at the receiving institution. Trainees, students with fewer opportunities, and those from outermost regions are eligible for more support.

What are the requirements? To apply, applicants must meet these general requirements:

  • Applicants must be enrolled in a study program leading to a recognized degree or tertiary-level qualification at a higher education institution that participates in the Erasmus+ program.
  • The study period abroad must be relevant to their degree-related learning and personal development needs.
  • The applicant’s home institution must sign an Erasmus cooperation agreement with the receiving institution.

Specific election criteria vary by program, but most often include your study results (GPA), motivation letter, and language proficiency (English or German).

When is the deadline? Application dates can vary depending on the sending and receiving country. To get notified of upcoming scholarships, check with your home institution’s international office or Erasmus+ coordinator.

> Go to the scholarship or find more details in our guide: Studying in Germany through Erasmus+.

Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarships

Who can apply? This scholarship is for students and doctoral candidates accepted into a state or state-recognized German university. They must demonstrate excellent school or academic merit, wish to pursue their studies in Germany, and be committed to the values of social democracy.

What does the scholarship cover? The FES scholarship program for international students awards a base monthly stipend of €992 for students in state or state-recognized degree programs. For doctoral students, it awards €1,400 per month for up to three years.

What are the requirements? Application requirements include: general personal information, details about your professional and family background, your motivation to become a FES scholarship holder, and information about your socio-political commitment.

Doctoral candidates also need to submit an exposé of their dissertation project. After the first review, you must submit two academic references, a detailed CV, relevant certificates, and proof of enrollment. Shortlisted candidates will take part in two selection interviews: one with a trusted lecturer and one with a member of the selection committee.

When is the deadline? Application deadlines for the FES scholarship vary by program and applicant group. They generally align with different academic stages, from before starting university to several semesters into the program. For doctoral funding, applications are accepted year-round, up to about 2 years before submitting the dissertation. You can find all the deadlines listed here.

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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships

Who can apply? The European Postdoctoral Fellowships within the MSCA program are open to researchers of any nationality and from all scientific disciplines who hold a doctoral degree and wish to pursue a 1 to 2-year research project in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country.

What does the scholarship cover? Funding supports European fellows (12-24 months) with living, mobility, and if applicable, family, long-term leave, and special needs allowances. The scholarship also covers funds for research, training, and networking activities.

What are the requirements? Applicants should have a maximum of 8 years of full-time post-graduate research experience (with some exceptions for career breaks). The expert panel will assess candidates based on Excellence (50%), Impact (30%), and Implementation Quality (20%).

When is the deadline? The current deadline for submitting proposals is 11 September 2024. The next call for proposals will open on 9 April 2025 and close on 10 September 2025.

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Who can apply? Students from Germany, EU countries, and other international students who meet the Section 8 eligibility requirements of BAföG can apply for StipendiumPlus. Applicants must be students or doctoral candidates enrolled at a public or state-recognized higher education institution in Germany.

What does the scholarship cover? The student funding includes these monthly allowances: €812 basic stipend, up to €94 for health insurance and €28 nursing care insurance, childcare allowance of €160 per child, and €300 for study-related expenses.

The doctoral scholarships includes these monthly allowances: €1,450 stipend, up to €100 for health insurance, 155 in family allowance, €100 for research costs, and child care allowance starting from €155.

What are the requirements? Applicants should be enrolled at a recognized German higher education institution and demonstrate exceptional achievements in their studies. Doctoral candidates should also have a promising doctoral topic. More specific requirements will vary depending on the awarding organization within StipendiumPlus.

When is the deadline? Application deadlines vary by program depending on the organization awarding the scholarship. The awarding organizations are listed here, so please visit their respective website for more information.

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Bayer Foundation Fellowships

Who can apply? The three Bayer Foundation Fellowships are eligible to medical students and students pursuing a master or PhD in scientific disciplines (pharmacy, data science, medical engineering, to name a few). International and German applicants are both eligible.

What does the scholarship cover? The fellowships awards up to €10,000 per applicant to cover international research projects, internships, and other activities for up to 6 months. Fellows can also get additional funding to cover travel, visa, living, and exceptional project costs.

What are the requirements? Here is the main criteria:

  • Otto Bayer Fellowships for Drug Discovery Sciences: applicants must be studying in a MSc or PhD program in natural science, pharmacy, or data science.
  • Jeff Schell Fellowships for Agricultural Sciences: applicants must be MSc or PhD students in a in natural science or data science program.
  • Carl Duisberg Fellowships for Medical Sciences: applicants must be student of human or veterinary medicine or be studying for MSc or PhD in medical engineering, applied medical sciences, public health, or data science in medicine.

For all fellowships, applicants must have excellent academic records and show innovation, relevance to their field, and awareness of the societal impact of their research. Collaborative and interdisciplinary proposals are also highly encouraged.

When is the deadline? The last application cycle was opened from February 12th, 2024 to April 9th, 2024. The 2025 application call is yet to be announced.

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Scholarships Offered by German Universities

Many German universities have separate funds for their own scholarships. If you’re enrolled in one of the universities below, consider these scholarships:

Humboldt Research Fellowship

Who can apply? The Humboldt Research Fellowship is open to researchers of all nationalities (except German) and academic disciplines. There are two types of fellowships:

  • Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers: Recent doctorate holders (less than four years) or candidates who are near completing (within six months) and can present the results of their dissertation.
  • Fellowship for experienced researchers: Researchers who completed their doctorate within the last 12 years and have a substantial publication record. Applicants with a master’s degree completed within the last 16 years may also be considered.

What does the scholarship cover? The fellowship covers a monthly stipend of €2,670 for postdoctoral researchers (from 6 to 24 months) and a monthly stipend of €3,170 for experienced researchers (6 to 18 months, possible to divide into up to three stays within three years). Additionally, fellows can receive family, private health insurance, and travel allowances.

What are the requirements? Applicants must be non-German nationals with a doctorate completed within the last four years (postdocs) or twelve years (experienced researchers). You should have a confirmation of facilities from a German host, together with two expert reviews. Depending on your field, you will need to prove German or English proficiency.

To apply, send your CV, research outline, list of publications, doctoral certificate, and language certificate (if required).

When is the deadline? The fellowship’s selection committee meets in March, July, and November, so you should apply well in advance of the desired selection date. The fellowship can start between two and twelve months after selection. If you application was unanimously rejected, you can reapply only after 18 months.

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TUM Linde / MDSI Master Scholarship

Who can apply? The scholarship targets outstanding German and international students who are currently enrolled in one of the master’s programs at the Technical University of Munich: “Data Engineering and Analytics” or “Mathematics in Data Science”

What does the scholarship cover? The scholarship offers a monthly stipend of €1000 for up to 12 months.

What are the requirements? Applicants must be students of one of the two master’s program who are enrolled at least since the summer semester 2024 (for 2024 applications). Female students are particularly encouraged to apply.

To apply, you need to send an application form and provide personal and academic information, a motivation letter, CV, recommendation letter, transcripts (bachelor’s degree), and a current examination report for TUM master’s program.

When is the deadline? This cycle’s application deadline is September 1, 2024. Successful applicants will receive funding starting from October 1, 2024.

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Heidelberg University HAUS Scholarships

Who can apply? The Heidelberg Alumni U.S. (HAUS) Scholarship is for qualified students from the United States who were recently accepted at a bachelor or master’s study program at the University of Heidelberg.

What does the scholarship cover? Bachelor’s program students receive $4,500 for one semester and master’s students receive $7,000. Depending on the funds available, scholars can get an extension for one more semester.

What are the requirements? Candidates must be undergraduate or master’s program students with strong academic credentials enrolled at or graduated from a U.S. institution of higher education. They must have U.S. residency, and be accepted as students at Heidelberg University. Students already enrolled at Heidelberg University or receiving a scholarship from a different source are not eligible.

When is the deadline? The 2024 application is closed. The next application cycle opens in early 2025.

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University of Hamburg Merit Scholarships

Who can apply? The merit scholarship is for outstanding international students (not holding German citizenship) who have been enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral program at Universität Hamburg for at least 2 semesters.

What does the scholarship cover? The scholarship awards up to €930 per month. Individual doctoral researchers may receive up to €1,200 per month in merit scholarships (limited amount). The funding duration is 2 semesters (12 months), with the possibility to reapply for a maximum funding period of 3 years.

What are the requirements? Applicants must be enrolled at Universität Hamburg and have completed at least 2 semesters. They must not hold German citizenship and should not be eligible for the federal student loan scheme.

To apply, you need to submit a CV, letter of motivation, proof of social/intercultural activities (if applicable), academic records, and evaluations from two professors or junior professors at the university. A committee of faculty and student council members will assess applicants based on academic performance, other skills, social engagement, and financial need.

When is the deadline?

The application deadlines are:

  • 15 April (funding period: 1 October – 30 September of the same year)
  • 15 October (funding period: 1 April – 31 March of the following year).

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Berlin International University of Applied Sciences Christian Wulff Scholarship

Who can apply? The Christian Wulff scholarship at Berlin International (BI) is awarded to one BA or MA student of the university.

What does the scholarship cover? The scholarship covers 50 percent of the tuition fee from the time it is awarded until the end of the regular studies (up to the 6th semester).

What are the requirements? The scholarship is awarded based on outstanding academic achievements and extraordinary engagement within the BI community. The recipient is nominated by the president and the deans of BI’s faculties and is announced at the graduation ceremony.

When is the deadline? There is no application deadline for this scholarship, the recipient is selected by the university itself.

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Federal German State-Specific Scholarships

You’ll also find scholarships that are specific to the German federal state where you’ll be studying or currently studying. Here are some to consider:

Baden-Württemberg Stiftung

Who can apply? The BW-Stipendium for university students awards around 1,500 scholarships each year for two groups: 1) students studying in Baden-Württemberg who want to go abroad and 2) students from international universities who are studying in Baden-Württemberg.

What does the scholarship cover? The scholarship amount ranges from €600 to €1,400 per month, for 3 to 11 months. Recipients also receive non-material assistance and become part of an international network connecting individuals from diverse disciplines and cultures.

What are the requirements? To be eligible, applicants must be enrolled at a higher education institution in Baden-Württemberg or a partner institution abroad. The scholarship is awarded to about 1,500 students each year. Selection criteria may include academic merit and other relevant qualifications.

When is the deadline? The application deadline varies and should be confirmed with the International Office at your higher education institution.

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Bavaria – Max We­ber-Program

Who can apply? The Max Weber Program scholarship is for students studying at tertiary education institutions in Bavaria who have completed at least two full semesters and are under 23 years old at the time of admission.

What does the scholarship cover? Students get a semester allowance of €1,290 and financial support for study projects abroad. You’ll also benefit from a comprehensive educational program of seminars and events to support personal development.

What are the requirements? Applicants can apply directly or be nominated by a professor, Elite Graduate Program Head, or an examination board. You must be enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree or a subsequent Master’s degree program at a higher education institution in Bavaria.

You will need to showcase intellectual abilities, dedication, communication and social skills, and involvement in extracurricular activities. The selection process involves two one-on-one interviews and group sessions at a selection seminar.

When is the deadline? You should send your application by November 1 for the direct application route. Nominated candidates should apply by January 15 for nominated candidates.

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Bavaria – Mari­an­ne-Plehn-Pro­gram

Who can apply? The Marianne-Plehn-Program is for outstanding young scientists who are pursuing doctoral studies in Bavaria and are part of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation.

What does the scholarship cover? The program offers combined part-time employment opportunities (25%) at any university in Bavaria with financial support from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation. You’ll also benefit from the Elite Network of Bavaria activities, networking opportunities, and add-ons.

What are the requirements? To qualify for the Marianne-Plehn-Program, applicants need a doctoral scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, which they can apply for within twelve months of starting their doctoral scholarship. They must conduct their doctoral studies at a Bavarian university and start the 25% part-time employment within six months of funding approval.

Applicants need documented willingness from a department at a Bavarian university to host the employment, must take on teaching tasks, and show how the employment benefits their dissertation and qualifications.

When is the deadline? The application for the Marianne-Plehn-Program can be submitted simultaneously with or after an application for a doctoral scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, but no later than twelve months after starting the doctoral scholarship.

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The Lower Saxony Scholarship (Niedersachsenstipendium)

Who can apply? The Lower Saxony State Scholarship (Niedersachsenstipendium) is for talented and committed undergraduate or consecutive Master’s degree program students at a university in Lower Saxony who are:

  • First-generation university students,
  • Facing challenging study conditions due to being refugees,
  • Or experiencing special social circ*mstances, such as significant volunteering work or financial hardships in large families.

What does the scholarship cover? The scholarship provides a one-off payment of €500 per semester.

What are the requirements? To apply for the Lower Saxony Scholarship (Niedersachsenstipendium), you must be enrolled at a participating university in Lower Saxony and not on leave at the start of the funding period.

You should meet the eligibility requirements of social involvement, motivation, and having faced educational disadvantages such as being a first-generation university student. The application is online through the respective university’s student portal and typically requires a CV, motivation letter, proof of enrollment, and academic transcripts.

When is the deadline? The application process and deadlines for the “Lower Saxony State Scholarship” are determined by the individual universities in Lower Saxony. Therefore, check with your university’s website or international office for more information.

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Berlin – Elsa Neumann Scholarship

Who can apply? The Elsa Neumann scholarship is for doctoral researchers who are enrolled and supervised at one of the universities in Berlin. It is provided in accordance with the Berlin State Act to Support Early-Career Researchers and Artists (Gesetz zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Nachwuchses).

What does the scholarship cover? The scholarship offers a monthly stipend of €1,350 for up to 36 months. Recipients also get a €100 flat rate for material costs. Family allowances and special allowances for travel costs may also apply.

Scholarships are initially awarded for a period of up to two years, but you must submit progress reports and get statements from academic supervisors. The final scholarships for dissertation completion will be for a maximum of one year and cannot be extended.

What are the requirements? Applicants need outstanding academic records, research contributions, and must be academically supervised at a Berlin university. Public funding recipients are ineligible.

When is the deadline? There are two application rounds, one in April and one in November. The last application round ended on April 17th, 2024. The applications will reopen from September 11th to November 13th, 2024.

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MBA Scholarships for International Students in Germany

Many top-notch business schools in Germany offer scholarships to international business students, including MBA students. Some of the most popular include:

ESMT MBA Scholarships

Who can apply? ESMT Berlin offers several different MBA scholarships designed for outstanding applicants. These scholarships target various groups, including women in business, LGBTQ+ individuals, applicants from specific regions, those with excellent academic and professional profiles, and more.

What does the scholarship cover? The scholarship award varies depending on the program. Scholarships can cover tuition fees, ranging from €1,000 to €24,750. For some scholarships, recipients get financial support to participate in ESMT’s summer entrepreneurship program among other benefits.

What are the requirements? Most scholarships are awarded based on academic excellence, personal and professional achievements, leadership potential, and interpersonal skills. For some scholarships, applicants are chosen from their essay responses to questions on the scholarship’s theme, such as diversity, entrepreneurship, or social impact. Some scholarship requirements can also target applicants’ backgrounds, including nationality, gender, and military service.

When is the deadline? Please refer to the ESMT Berlin website for the most up-to-date information on scholarship application deadlines. They are generally part of the MBA application process at one of the school’s programs.

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HHL Leipzig Scholarships

Who can apply? These scholarships are mostly for candidates applying to HHL’s full-time MBA program, but each scholarship has focus areas or criteria. The list includes the Middle East Scholarship, Africa Scholarship, Latin America Scholarship, Eastern Europe Scholarship, Women in Business Scholarship, Future Entrepreneur Scholarship, Young Leipzig Leader Scholarship, and Dean’s List Scholarship.

What does the scholarship cover? Successful candidates for these scholarships will receive a partial tuition reduction for the full-time MBA program. The exact amount varies depending on the scholarship.

What are the requirements? Scholarship applicants must meet general criteria, including holding an undergraduate degree, having at least three years of work experience, a good GMAT score, and applying for the full-time MBA program.

Depending on the scholarship, you will have to meet other specific requirements. For example, the Dean’s List Scholarship applicants must have exceptional academic and professional achievements, international experience, dedication to social causes, outstanding admission interviews, and alignment with HHL’s values. Other region-based scholarship applicants need to be from one of the focus countries of the scholarship.

When is the deadline? You should submit your scholarship application together with the MBA program application. The earlier you apply, the better the chances of financial support. The Dean’s List Scholarship deadline is June 30th annually.

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WHU Otto Beisheim Scholarships

Who can apply? WHU offers various scholarships for candidates from all countries applying to their MBA program. These scholarships aim to support students who can bring unique values to the MBA class.

What does the scholarship cover? The scholarships do not specify a fixed amount, and they can vary from one recipient to another. The WHU Scholarship is an exception, and awards specifically €10,000.

What are the requirements? The requirements and selection criteria for WHU scholarships depend on the scholarship. General criteria include good academic performance, professional experience, entrepreneurship, leadership, and GMAT/GRE results.

Other scholarship-based requirements can include gender (e.g., WHU Women in Business Scholarship), participation in specific programs (e.g., Scholarship), or nationality (WHU – FUNED Scholarship for Mexican applicants).

Each scholarship application requires an essay and a detailed description of the applicant’s financial plan. You should submit the scholarship application before signing the study contract.

When is the deadline? Scholarships at WHU are limited, and they are awarded on a rolling basis, so applying early improves your chances. WHU also has an Early Bird offer, with different application deadlines for tuition fee discounts: September 30 (€7,000 off), November 30 (€6,000 off), January 31 (€5,000 off), and March 31 (€3,000 off).

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Frankfurt School of Finance and Management Scholarships

Who can apply? The different scholarships are available for applicants of the school’s different MBA programs, including Executive MBA, MBA in International Healthcare Management, Part-time MBA, and Full-time MBA. Specific scholarships target high-performing candidates, entrepreneurs, sector-specific backgrounds, women in business, and those with a global mindset.

What does the scholarship cover? Frankfurt School scholarships offer a partial tuition fee reduction of up to 30% for the respective MBA program.

What are the requirements? Scholarship recipients are selected based on academic performance, GMAT results, application quality, personal achievements, and needs.

Extracurricular activities, social commitment, intercultural skills, international experience, and professional background are also considered. Each scholarship may have unique criteria related to academic excellence, entrepreneurship, leadership, sector-specific expertise (e.g. healthcare management), or diversity.

When is the deadline? The MBA scholarships are on a rolling basis, so early application is recommended. There is no specified deadline for scholarship applications, as they are reviewed after the admission decision has been made.

Mannheim Business School Scholarships

Who can apply? Mannheim Business School offers different scholarships for outstanding candidates, including the Most Outstanding Candidate Scholarship, Excellent Candidates Scholarship, Women in Business Scholarship, and the MBS Network Scholarship.

What does the scholarship cover? The applicant’s performance throughout the selection process highly contributes to the final scholarship amount. However, all scholarships are partial and cover a portion of the MBA program’s tuition fee.

What are the requirements? Some general requirements include exceptional achievements (academic & professional), motivation, good GMAT/GRE scores, and language skills. More specific requirements can apply depending on the scholarship, for example, Women in Business targets accomplished women, whereas the Industry Diversity Scholarship targets applicants from different backgrounds such as consulting, energy & utilities, professional services, etc.

When is the deadline? The regular deadline is July 15, 2024. There are also two early bird deadlines for program applications: January 31, 2024 (€4,000 discount) and April 30, 2024 (€2,000 discount).

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If you’re still undecided about studying in Germany or don’t know which university to apply to, take a look at our helpful resources:

  • List of all study programs for international students in Germany
  • Requirements to study in Germany for international students
  • What does it cost to study in Germany?
  • Planning your studies in Germany
Scholarships in Germany for International Students 2024 (2024)
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