The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

THE TIMES RECORDER: 100-140 lbs roughs stags $ Other livestock steady on light re- ceipts. CINCINNATI LIVESTOCK CINCINNATI (AP) (U. S. Dept.

Agr.) (From information available at 10:15 a.m.) Salable hogs moderately active; barrows and gilts 30 lower than Friday's average; sows steady to 25 off; good and choice 180- 250 lbs. other weights scarce; mixed lot 130-170 Ibs $17.50: sows mainly 350-550 lbs 17.75. Cattle calves 200; fairly active on most slaughter cattle; largely steady; slow on weighty steers and heifers; couple choice 825 1b steers truck lot good 871 lb $30.25: few baby beeves up to medlum and good steers and heifers common and medium 26.00; bulk beef cows common and medium few good $21.50: canners and cutters bulk $14.50 18.00; common and medium light bulls cutter common few mediums 50; individual good $24.25: good and choice vealers very scarce; strong to $1.00 higher: odd head $34.00 38.00; otherwise generally steady: most common and medium $22.00 30.00: demand fairly broad for stockers and feeders; undertone strong. Sheep 400; moderately active; generally steady; early receipts limited: several lots good and choice lambs good 103 1h $28.00: medihums feeder type lambs odd choice night ewes up to $14.00. PITTSBURGH LIVESTOCK PITTSBURGH (AP) (PADA) Salable cattle 700, slow.

Steers good to choice medium to good $, common to medium $22.50 25.50; heifers good to choice 26.00. medium to good common to cows good to choice medium to good canners and cutters bulls good to cholce 25.50, common to medium Salable hogs 500, active. 160-180 lbs 180-200 lbs $20.50.75, 200- 220 lbs 220-250 lbs 250-30 lbs 300-350 lbs roughs $ Salable sheep 350, active. Lambs good to choice medium to good common ewes wethers Salable calves 200, active.

36.00, medium culls and commons COLUMBUS LIVESTOCK COLUMBUS (From Producers Livestock Cooperative Assn) Hogs 800; 25 lower; 180-240 lbs 240.260 lbs 260-280 lbs 280-300 lbs 300-350 lbs 350-400 lbs $18.00: 160-18 1 lbs sOWS stags $3.50 down. Cattle 700; selling at auction. Calves 250; steady; good to choice prime few higher; mediums $27.00 down; outs $23.00 down. Sheep and lambs light; steady and slow: good to choice strictly choice mediums $26 00 down; outs $21.50 down; sheep for slaughter $14.00 down; weights. higher.

Produce Market PITTSBURGH PRODUCE PITTSBURGH (AP) (USDA) Produce demand fair. Apples, two cars, slightly weaker. Wash, Box Red Delicious combination extra fancy and fancy 16s's and larger 4.00-4.25 Delicious combination extra fancy and fancy 173's and larger 3.50-75. Potatoes, 13 cars, about steady U. S.

No. lb sacks Idaho Russet Burbanks 3.00, 5 10 lb sacks In master containers N. D. Red Warbas and Pontiacs Minn. Red Warbas unwashed 15 lb sacks N.

Y. Katahdins 30, Long Island Katahdins 15 sacks 30-32, Me. 15 lb sacks Katahdins Eggs, grade A large white 67.75, brown 65-70, medium white 54-59, brown 53-57; grade large 61- 62, brown 59-60; dirtles and checks 31. pullets 40-44; government graded and sealed eggs in cartons: grade A large white 72. CHICAGO PRODUCE CHICAGO (AP) Butter steady; receipts wholesale selling prices unchanged: 93 score AA 63.75; 92 A 63; 90 60.5; 89 59; cars 90 61.25: 89 60.

Eggs steady; receipts 9604; wholesale selling prices unchanged: U. S. extras 54-56; U. S. standards 36-39: current receipts 32-33; dirties 30; checks 29.

LEGAL NOTICE SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to the Clerk of the Board of Education of Valley Local Schools, Guernsey County, Buffalo, Ohio, will be received at the office of the Clerk until noon on November 24th 1950 for furnishing labor and materials to construct and complete repairs to the Service Stairway and New Tollets in the Valley Local Grade School at Buffalo Ohio for the Valley Local with the plans and specifications for the same as prepared by Harold C. Church, Registered Engineer of Zanesville, Ohio, and on file with the above Clerk. All bids shall be based minimum rates of wages as predetermined by the Ohio Relations, State Department of Public State Department Bullding. Columbus, 0. Separate bids will be received on the General Contract, the Plumbing Contract and the Electrical Contract.

Each bid shall be accompanied by a bond or certified check in an amount equal to ten percent of the bid. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Valley Local Board of Education E. J. Blair, Clerk 10-24-4t Tues.

SETTLEMENT NO. 953 NOTICE OF THE FILING OF AC- COUNTS STATE OF OHIO, MUSKINGUM, SS: IN PROBATE COURT Notice is hereby given that Accounts and vouchers have been filed in the Office of this Court by the fiduciaries in the following trust matters, to wit: George M. Bonifleld, trustee, 40636 Ralph E. Eppley, guardian, 45611 Said accounts have been suspended for. examination of the receipts and disbursem*nts, together with the Investments, if any shown thereon.

Any person Interested In any of said accounts or any Item thereof may examine sald accounts prior to the 20th day of November 1950, when the same will be ordered to record unless a hearing is ordered as provided by law. W. 0. SECREST, PROBATE JUDGE THOMAS B. SAMUEL, DEPUTY CLERK.

10-25-1t Tues. LEGAL NOTICE David Christian whose place of residence address is unknown, 1s hereby notified that on October 14, 1950, Hattie Christian filed her petition against him In Case No. 37412, of the Court of Common Pleas, Muskingum County, Ohio, praying for a divorce on grounds of wilful absence for more than three years, and other rellef. Said cause will be for hearing on or after November 27, 1950. Hattie Christian By Walters, Stubbins Ringhisen, Attorneys.

10-16 6T Mon LEGAL NOTICE Joseph Himmelspach, whose address is 5 Woodland Lane, Santa Anita Oaks, Arcadia, California, and Leo Himmelspach, address unknown, 11 living, and his unknown heirs, devises, legatees, administrators and executors, if he is deceased, will take notice that Lawrence Himmelspach as Plaintiff, on the 9th day of 1950, filed' his petition in the Common Pleas Court within and for the said County of Muskingum and State of Ohio, being case number 37404 in said court, asking for the partition of the following deseribed real estate, to-wit: Situate in the County of Muskingum and State of Ohio and In the City of Zanesville and bounded and described as follows: Being Lot No. 4, Square 16 in the Western Addition to the said City of Zanesville according to the Plat thereof found in Plat Book 1, pages 13, 14. and '15, Muskingum County Records. and for such other rellef as is just and proper in the premises. The persons.

above named will take notice that they have been made parties defendant to said petition and that they are required to answer the same on or before the 2nd day of 1950. LAWRENCE C. HIMMELSPACH. PUGH, KNAPP MILLER Zanesville. Ohio 9th day of 1954 10-10-6t-tue.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1950 Classified "The People's Market Place" Times Recorder Signal 128,172 Readers Sunday Times-Signal 65,023 Readers Phone 2-4561 CLASSIFIED AD RATES The following table o1 rates shows you how to figure--in a few secondsthe cost of your ad and the substantial saving you can make by paying cash when you place it Naturally It costs money to keep books and mail statements So when you save us the Dense we gladly pass the savings on to you. 7th Words Day Days Days Day (1-15) Lines Cash 1.00 1.45 2.50 Credit 1.20 1.80 3.05 Free (16-20) Lines Cash 1 20 1.95 8.30 Credit 1.50 2.45 4.05 Free (21-25)-5 Lines Cash 1.35 2.45 4.50 Credit 1.65 2.95 5.05 Free (26-30) -6 Lines Cash 1.45 2.90 4.95 Credit 1.80 3.35 6 05 Free (31-35)-7 Lines Cash 1.70 3.40 5.80 Credit 2.10 4.15 7.10 Free CONTRACT RATES ON REQUEST Ambulance Service Mader-Peoples Ambulance PHONE 3-1232 Ambulance Services--Day or Night AMBULANCE -PH. 2-9356 HEARING-BRYAN-DELONG Monuments MONUMENTS MARKERS R. W. WALL 1728 Maysville Ph.

2-0766 5. Special Notices buy anything you nave to sell 20 yrs. in business. Old Reliable Sunkel's 2nd Hand Store. 105 Main.

Ph. 3-4374. COLLECTIONS Zanesville Collecting Investigating Agency 217 Citizens Bank Bldg. Ph. 2-3476 Batteries service for all hearing YOUNG'S RADIO SERVICE Zanesville's oldest hearing aid dealer.

17 Main St. Ph. 1. 3-7576 TERMITE exterminating 5 years guarantee. Call the rest then call us.

Ph. 3-7714 or 3-7542. GEO. N. MORRIS.

Exclusive Sales Agent. Factory trained Service Underwood, Typewriters. Sundstrand Adding Machines. 32 S. 5th.

Phone 2-5625 or 3-1186 WINTERIZE NOW Aluminum comb, storm windows Aluminum comb, storm doors Aluminum lap siding Insulated sidings. Asbestos siding Celotex roofing Aluminum awnings---Door hoods Free estimates Terms BUCKEYE DIAL 3-2303 412 Market St. A Local Co. BABY DIAPER SERVICE Pickup Delivery Service Dial 3-6332 It answer call 2-1187. 5.

Special Notices ACCOUNTS COLLECTED THE CREDIT BUREAU 205 Richards Bldg, Phone 2-5487 FOOTBALL Cleveland Browns vs. Pittsburgh Steelers. per person. Transportation Included. Inquire Matt's Tavern, 2121 Linden or call 2-0122.

ALWAYS AWAKE Class meeting will be held at First Church of Christ at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24. LESTER likes liquid lustre Glaxo plastic type linoleum coating. skid, easily cleaned.

3rd floor. TELEVISION SUPPLIES Boosters, Antennaes and Mast Pipe. MOORE'S RADIO SERVICE 1049 Greenwood Ave. Ph. 3-7786 FULLER BRUSHES Tom Beebe-Ph.

2-1607 6. Lost and Found LOST-15 wk old Beagle Hound on Putnam vicinity Grant School. Reward. Ph. 2-7471.

LOST blue tick male Beagle, in Brighton, area, Red collar tag. Phone 2-1582, Personals HEARING AID BATTERIES We specialize in Hearing Aid troubles. YOUNG'S SERVICE Southeastern Ohlo's only Hearing Aid service. 17 Main Phone 3-7576. PROSPECTOR with latest electronic equipment would like to hear from property owners who suspect they may have radioactive minerals or buried treasure on their land, Write Harry R.

Kinney R.D, 1, Lorain, Ohio. I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts other than my own as I am not in business with no one other than myself. Lewis McIntire, Chandlersville Rt. 2. BRIGHT, BRILLIANT and BEAUTIFUL are rugs and upholstery cleaned with Fina Foam, Bintz Bros.

3rd floor. YOUR YEAR 1951? Will answer questions mail gulde $1, Send birth date. Bessie Hull, 140 East King South Zanesville, Phone 3-2747. 7A. Insurance AUTOMOBILE local FIRE INSURANCE See save.

RAY A. MILLER co. First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Dial 2-5494. AUTO ALL kinds of insurance.

Also bonds, Olin Taylor, 315 Citizens Bank Bldg. Ph. 3-2215. 0, K. INSURANCE SERVICE Farm Bureau Auto, Fire, Life, Ins.

0, K. Coulter, 602 Brighton, Ph. 3-1471 FRED W. GARDNER, INS. 216 Richards Bldg.

Ph. 2-2656 AUTOMOBILE FIRE INSURANCE CALL DAVE SAVE Dave Weissert-3-7963 7-B Dressmaking Tailoring LUCILLE'S ALTERATION SHOP 422 South Grey St. Phone 3-5119 MISCELLANEOUS sewing to do In my home. Work called for and delivered. Ph.

2-6858, incl, slip-covering, SPENCER CORSETIERE Lillian B. McKinley, Call 3024 New Concord, for free figure study. LA-ZANE SEWING GIFT SHOP. 1612 Maysville Ave. Phone 3-4788.

Where Alterations, Remodeling and new creations are 8 specialty. 9 a. m. until 5 p. m.

WEAVER ALTERATION SHOP Dress hems. $1.00 coat hems, $2.00. Dial 2-2523. Main St. 14A.

Camera Exchange 14A. Camera Exchange IT'S NOT EARLY! LAY-A-WAY that Photographic Christmas Gift SELECT FROM OUR COMPLETE LINE "IP IT'S MADE WE HAVE 4T" Use Our Convenient LAY-AWAY PLAN EXPERT PHOTOFINISHING "Home of the Original Album Prints" I -DAY SERVICE THE CAMERA SHOP 620 Market St. Dial 2-7302 Open Daily 8:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. 8.

Services Offered 8. Shop Here for business and professional services to have the job done by 8 specialist, call one of the following persons or firms, Bulldozing Excavating Basem*nt septic tank holes, HAZEN SHEETS. Ph. 2-0662. CONCRETE BLOCK, sand, gravel, lime, cinders.

Cloyd Morrison, Chandlersville, Ph. 1025. Reverse chg. Light Hauling and Package Delivery Ph. 2-8523 JOE PATTERSON'S ZANE PLUMBING SHOP estimates on bathroom Installations, hot water steam heating systems.

Ph. 3-8655 1125 Greenwood Ave. BRICK. Stone, Block Laying, Concrete Steps, Porches, Sidewalks, Driveways. J.

Lutz, 816 Elm. Dial 2-6124. LIGHT HAULING Phone 3-3533 BAsem*nT DIGGING sewer ditching. Bulldozer work Septic tank holes. Philo cinders dump truck work, F.

C. Greiner. 827 Pershing Rd, Ph. '3-2620. Eves.

LIGHT HAULING Phone 3-7706 FREE ESTIMATES Hauling ashes, trash basem*nts, garages. yards. All kinds cleaning up. Ph. 3-6673.

PEST CONTROL ACME 1 EXTERMINATING CO. Phone Termites; also fumigation with cyanide gas: guaranteed Carpenter Repair Block laying. Concrete work. C. H.

Moore, Gray St. Ph. 3-5119. "ALUMINUM SPOUTING ROOFING Paul Sites Roofing Co. 1365 Sharon Phone 3-4566.

Piano Tuning Repair So. Fifth St. Ph. 2-3461 8. Services Offered PAGE 11 4 Local Induction Quota Slashed Muskingum county will be called to supply less men for induction in December and only 77 will go to Columbus next month for pre-induction physical examinations it was announced by draft official Monday.

The county's examination quota this month is 144 and 108 are slated to join the armed forces next month. During November, the local board will send 24 men on Nov. 16; 30 on Nov. 20. State-wide induction quota for November is 3,490, state officials said.

This is an increase ef 630 over the October figure. Twenty-seven county men are to be inducted Oct. 27, last of this month's draftees. A representative of Columbus draft men headquarters also that no born after April 1, 1929 will be inducted before December. All eligible men in the state born before that date will be called first, it was said, All December induction calls will be before Dec.

20, officials revealed. The county physical exam quota was cut because more men will be taken from counties which did not fill their calls for earlier months, it was said. "Two Blind Mice" Seat Sale On Mabel Paige and Laura Pierpont, who are featured in support of Melvyn Douglas in the comedy "Two Blind Mice" will be recognized by moviegoers when they appear on the stage of the Weller theater in Sam Spewack's play which is offered for two performances this comIng Saturday, Oct, 28. True, Miss Paige's face is more familiar on the screen than Miss Pierpont's, who, by' the way, is a native of Ohio and an alumnus of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. For Miss Paige spent nine years in Hollywood and was featured in 28 motion pictures.

These include "Edge of Doom," "The Petty Girl," "Johnny Belinda," etc. Miss Pierpont, a veteran of many stage hits including "'The Women" and "State of the Union," is by way of being new recruit to the screen, having to her credit in this medium a part in one of the Andy Hardy series and the recently released "My Blue Heaven," starring Betty Grable and Dan Dailey. The reserved seat advance sale is now open and continues daily at the Weller theater box office from 12:00 o'clock, noon. Matinee and night performance reservations may be secured in advance and tickets may be.secured for any of the various price divisions. RETURN HOME Mr.

and Mrs. Harry White of Youngstown and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Richards of Pittsburgh returned home Monday after spending the week end at the home of Mrs. Sherman White of Sharon avenue.

Late Selling Wipes Out Early Market Gains YORK, Oct. 23 --(AP)- Last in minute the selling wiped out slight gains stock market today. Losses ran more than a dollar a share at the close while early gains all were cut back sharply. Steels kept ahead most of the day as he did a number of the distillers. Stocks on the higher side included Union Pacific, Chesapeake Ohio, clair, Anderson United Air Lines, Steel Spring, General Electric, Air Reduction, American Cyanamid, Homestake Mining, American Smelting, American Telephone.

U. S. Steel. Ward, Republic Steel, Montgomery Schenley, and Publicker, Lower were J. I.

Case, Douglas, ZenIth, Emerson Radio, Woolworth, AmerWoolen, Pennsylvania Railroad. Standard Oil' (NJ)," and U. S. Gypsum. Unusual Activity In Cincinnati Market CINCINNATI, Oct.

23-(AP)-Forty. were on the Cineinnati Stock Exchange today--the greatest activity of the year. Charles Steffens, president, sald there were 124 transactions with 3,357 shares sold. The previous high for issues traded on the exchange was 40, June 29. N.

V. Stock Market New York Sales: Stocks $1,850,000 Bonds $3,220,000 Furnished by Merrill Lynch, Plerce, Fenner Beane, local office Masonic Temple Building. Telephone 2-3681. High Low Close Air Reduction Allied Chemical News Items Of Interest From Sonora Area SONORA, Charles Burkheimer has returned to Zanesville after visiting here with friends. Mrs.

Lulu Brannon and Harold Lawyer were business callers at Zanesville Wednesday. Billie Nolan, who has been confined to his home during the past two weeks with pneumonia, is able to be out doors for short lengths of time. Mrs. Willard Whissel and daughter, Marsha Kay, spent Wednesday in Zanesville with Mr. and Mrs.

Thurman McDonald. Richard Shirer of Zanesville spent Thursday here with Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Shirer, Mr. and Mrs.

Geroge Harbert of the East pike were business callers here Saturday afternoon. Alice Ruth Shirer of Zane spent Sunday here with friends and relatives. Presents Instructions In Aluminum Etching NASHPORT, -Mrs. J. D.

McCann recently conducted a training class at her home with instructions on the etching of aluminum trays. It was announced that another class will be held in the near future and anyone wishing to sign up for the class may do so by contacting Mrs. Roy Ardrey, leader of the local extension group. Lessons are given free of charge. DAILY CROSSWORD GAL OP AFT BORA TIRADE ACROSS 46.

Serpent- 13. Fate ABED GANGES 1. Mulberry lizard 15. Melt BEADS VESTA bark 19. Paint ENDER Bulk DOWN clumsily AFAR I ON DUB 5.

9. Metallic 1. Journeyed 22. Mail ARK RA NEED HOUSE rocks 2. Molding 24.

Pronoun LAYER 10. External edge 25. Exclamatior CARDS LAMED seed 3. Vegetable 26. A flexible ELATED VIGO coating 4.

Roman tube TOME AVENGE Subtle emanation 5. Showed mercy 6. Historic port 7. (SW. Eng.) Note of 8.

scale pound 27. Strike with Kind of the hand tree 28. A Roman Constella- official tion (Bib.) Title of 29. Pay respect attention Heavy 30. Disburses, hammer as money FAR MELDS 10-24 Yesterday's Answer 35.

Plunder 38. Hub of a wheel 40. Marshy meadow 11. In France, 31. Novice 41.

Varnish Egyptian god an abbot 34. People of ingredient 12. Earth Ireland 44. Like Hastened Depart Man's 2 3 nickname Chum Exclamation In what 412 13 manner Shade of a 14 15 color Resorts 118 Goblin Street 21 22 24 (abbr.) Measure 25 (Chin.) Bonds 27 28 30 31 Enemy scout Man's 32 33 134 35 nickname Come 36 38 back in Feeble in 39 40 41 42 color River (It.) 43 Afternoon receptions 45 Greedy Every 10-24 DAILY -Here's how to work it: AXYDLBAAXR is LONGFELLOW One letter simply stands for another. In this example A is used for the three L's, for the two O's, etc.

Single letters, aposthe length and formation of the words are all hints. trophies, Each day the code letters are different. A Cryptogram Quotation GLFRMC ZSICM CERGM MENVIRGME DS ZIVGF -ZLDCIW. Yesterday's Cryptoquote: STILL WE MOVED TOGETHER TWINNED AS HORSE'S EAR AND EYE-TENNYSON. CRYPTOQUOTES are quotations of famous persons written substitute character has replaced the original letter.

cipher. A instance, an may substitute for the original throughthe entire CRYPTOQUOTE, or a "BB" may replace an the key and follow through to the solution. Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc. Allis Chalmers American Can Amer Enc Tile Amer Gas Elec Amer Locomotive 18 Am Power Light Am Radiator 13 13 Am Smelting Am Steel Foundry 33 33 Am Sugar Refinery 56. 56 56 Am Tel Tel Am Tobacco 6914 691 Anaconda Copper 361 367 Anchor Hock Glass 23 228 Armco Steel 47 Armour Co 11 11 Atchison 1344 Aviation Corp 8 Baldwin Loco 133 Baltimore Ohio 1541 Bell Aircraft 223 Bendix Aviation 49 481 Bethlehem Steel Boeing Aircraft 36 Borden 50 Brigg 32.

32. Bristol Myers 271, 1933 1914 191 Carrier Corp Canadian Pacific Chesa Ohio 327 Chrysler Colgate Palm 451 Chrysler Motor 443 Colo Fuel Iron Columbia Gas Elec 313. Com Solv 21 Consol Vultee 16 16 Consol Edison 29 29 Continental Can 38 Cont Motors 8 8 Cont Oil of Dela Curtiss Wright 10 93 93 do A 23 23 Douglas Aircraft Elec Auto Lite Firestone Rubber 741 Foster Wheel 39 General Electric General Motors 52 Gen Public Utilities Gillette Razor 51 51 Glidden Co 29 29 Goodrich Goodyear 61 601 Gt Northern Pid 421 Gulf Oil 111 794 Hayes Body 61 61 Hazel Atlas 225 Hudson Motors 173 Illinois Central 503 Inland Steel 531 531 531 Inspiration Cooper 17 Int Harvester Int Nickel 34 Int Tel Tel Jacobs Co 7 7 Kennecott Kroger Groceries 74 731 Libby Owens Plate 36 36 Lima Loco Loews, Inc 31 18 311 Louis Lockheed Nashville Mack Truck Martin Glenn Miami Copper 16 16 Mid Continent 50 Mont Ward 653 Murray 21 National Acme 291 29 Natl Biscuit 35 35 Natl Cash Prod Register A 49 49 49 Nat Dist Dairy 26 Nash Kelvinator 20 York Central Amer Aviation 144 Amer Co Northern Pacific 27 27 Ohio Edison Oil Owens Bottle 72 72 Pan Amn Motors Airways 4 4 Paramount 21 5 Co Penney Pennsylvania Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet 75 75 Pepsi Cola 68 68 Proct Gam 68 44 44 Pure Radio Oil Crop 18 Reading Co Remington Rand Republic Remington Steel Reynolds-Spring 36 Sateway Stores 36 34 33 Sears Roebuck Schenley Dist. Servel 95 Simmons Co 34 Sinclair 30 30 Socony Vacuum Southern Co Pacific 61 Southern Railway 303 30 30 Sperry Standard Corp Brands Standard Oil of Cal of Ind 58 Oil of N.J. 85 86 Standard Standard Standard of Ohio 33 Webster Stone Studebaker 34 33 Swift Texas Co 75 do.

Gulf Sulphur Texas Pacific L. 86 321 Tide Water Assoc Timken Carbide Det Axle 47. Union Oil Cal 311 Union Pacific 97 96 United 4 41 Aircraft 31. U. S.

Ind Corp 'Alcahal 34 UP. S. Rubber do pid u. 's. Steel 42 31 30 30 Vanadium Bros A Warner 39 39 Westinghouse Union Elect 33' 221 Woolworth 57 Young Sheet NEW YORK CURB Nat Gas 12 12 12 Ark do Class A 77 Babco*ck Pipe Wilcox 121 Cities Buckeye Service 86 Electric Bond Kaiser Frazier 251 Lone Star Penn Niagara Road Hudson Raytheon Mfg 39 91 39 39 9 S.

0. Ky, October Eggs- 35.35 November 36.30 DOW JONES AVERAGES Hiigh Low Close Cge. 232.02 229.95 230.62 off .26 70.17 69.46 69.76 off .10 Inds. Rails. 41.08 40.83 40.93 up .04 Utils.

CHICAGO GRAIN FUTURES Furnished by Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Temple and Bldg. Telephone 2-3681. Beane local offices Masonic High Low Close Cge. Wheat229 229 March 2291 July May Dec. CornDec.

May 152 July OatsDec. March 828 83 July May 76 Soy BeansMarch July Nov. 249 Jan. 249 245 TREASURY POSITION WASHINGTON (AP) The posttion of the treasury Oct. 19: Cash Balance $4,354,165,858.21 Total Debt $256,729,112,331.65 Livestock Market DAVID DAVIES, INC.

Daily Livestock Market Hogs lower: 200.240 lb 1-80 200 240-260 260-280 280-300 300-350 350-400 160-180 $19. Sows 300-400 00 400-500 500-600 600 up Stags under 600 over 600 $13. Highest Market price paid for all cattle, calves and sheep. CLEVELAND LIVESTOCK CLEVELAND (AP) steady; good to choice (nominal); medium to good 29.50; common heifers good to cows, medium choice to good 1 good to medium to good 19.50; canners and cutters bulls choice butcher bologna bulls Calves 350, active and steady; good to choice medium to good Sheep and lambs 700; active and steady; spring lambs good to choice medium to good 28.00: wethers. good ewes good Hogs 1.500, 25 lower; heavies 300- 400 1b medium 260-290 lb mixed, 190-260 lb 20.65.

Yorkers roughs stags TOLEDO LIVESTOCK TOLEDO (AP) Hogs: 300 estimarket. 240-260 25 lbs lower $19.00 180-240 19.50: lbs 260-280 lbs 280-300 lbs 1160-180 lbs 140-160 lbs Use Our Steamers Free Worthington's Wall Paper and Paint Store 1151 Ridge Phone 3-5060. Spred Satin Distributors Full line Glidden wall paper and supplies. Floor Sanding Ph. 3-9154 Finishing G.

J. Hoover LIGHT HAULING Trash, Ashes, Coal, Etc. Ph. 2-9470 ZIESLER TREE EXPERTS DON'T HAVE YOURS BUTCHERED Lancaster RR Phone 2686 Reverse Charges. LIGHT HAULING OF ALL KINDS Including trash.

Ph. 2-4617 Water Well Drilling Ph. 2-2975 large or small. Modern fronts CARPENTRY general remodeling, entrances. Stoops; block laying, Insulation.

Call 3-5155. ECONOMY SAVINGS LOAN CO. you choose from (1) Signature alone (2) Auto or (3) Furniture CASH LOANS $25 to $1000 budget payments 1-TRIP SERVICE GERRY J. ROTH, Mgr. Call 2-6338 N.

4th Zanesville, 0. 1st Floor Masonic Temple 11. 12. 14. 16.

17. 18. 20. 21. 22.

23. 25. 26. 27. 29.

30. 32. 33. 35. 36.

87. 89 42. 43. 44. 45.

In For out Find ELECTED! ELECTED! "The People's Choice' BUTCHER, BAKER, CANDLESTICK MAKER; DOCTOR, LAWYER, MERCHANT CHIEF are ALL using MORE INEXPENSIVE money making little classified ads to help meet the high cost of living and get EXTRA CASH for Fall and Christmas Needs. RESULTS RESULTS SOLD, HUNTING EQUIP. SOLD, MODEL A SOLD, RANGE ITHACA 12 gauge double barrel, 1930 Model A USED range. Hoptpoint fully automatic hunting coat, shell vest, 1 box Ford Sedan 2-8973 Can electric be at In Ohio good Power condition. office.

shells. All for $12, Harry Lawrence, Phone seen 470 Adair Ave. Phone 3-1310 or 2-5461. SOLD, CLOTHING SOLD, 75 PULLETS SOLD CAR SPECIAL 2 fall coats, 1 shortie size 12, 1938 Buick 2-Dr. Loaded with ex- 75 LARGE WHITE LEGHORN 1 black gabardine, size 10.

tras. New motor with only 3-7110. 13,000 9-2196. laying, Pullets, Phone 3-5260 Priced for quick sale. Ph.


The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.