The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

on for Street ER prices r. ARTS STS. GOLD Crowns. Lain St. for small right plata Furniture.

el filing ondition. hone the 17. obiles on. 1 metals MANI lone 2910 Range 3511 piano reasonable circulating a. m.

and anything 2nd Hand 3272-J. plies rabbit doze 24 Putna ters. Mr. ut Adam PS Rt. SALE ville, 0.

plies or party, 377-W hens. lo PULLET Hampshin $1.35 each Mules dy for serve 25: springy ats. broke onham. eap if miles nori Rt. 668.

upplie! ty Sale Monday ESDA! les Co. FARM BU a. Ph. 200 CROP der now, SERVICI 1. Ph.

'or preves ses among For sale 2715. Net SUPPLY day for lb. calves buck. RA le. 1 mil It of Net 76.

cowsPrice $14 old som od worker hay, timol good Anzu Rock, Ohio paniel put IXING Daily ain Co. Phone 215 re! ality inet inks lar 42.95 48.40 52.50 60.700 31.25 40.25 ent par ore Classified Advertising Continued Livestock, Feed, Supplies TROPSHIRE Dresden. RAMS- -For Phone sale. Dresden Zane 3294. You Don't Gamble When You Feed Your Pigs Hamco Pig Meal Rich in vitamins hogs and minerals.

It will produce in a shorter time--and help cut your feeding costs, The Hook-Aston Milling Co. For Sale-3 milk goats. Phone 5411 J4 bay, mare, sound, well broke; 1 Hoosier disc drill: 1 steel wheel wagon: 1 Chester White 5 pigs. P. P.

Buchanan, Chandlersville Route 2. Farm M'chin'ry, Tractors SHOP SEARS sem*nt Mixer $36.95 in. Buzz-Saw 47.50 arm Master Milking Machine, double unit. 153.90 later Tank Heaters. 16.95 SEARS ROEBUCK CO.

ANVAS and Rubber Drive Belts. mounted saws for all tractors, powtake off tire pumps, tarpaulins, 8 foot government surplus steel posts, 55c each, lots of 100 or more delivered. Gillogly's, 711 Main St. Phone 4718. Heavy 4 pt.

barb wire, 80 rd. $4.25. DeLaval and Hinman Milkers. Deen Shallow well Water Systems 3 7-ft. Tractor Disc Harrows.

STANDARD SUPPLY CO. Phone 112 McConnelsville, Ohio. HINMAN MILKERS Bell 5 H. P. Electric Hammer Mills, pumps, hog feeders, etc.

THORLA APPLIANCE CO. Phone 114. 14x18 Eli stationary baler. Good running order. HOLBEIN SUPPLY CO.

130 N. 3rd St. Phone 1308. IVE your stock poultry that extra vitamin boost with Ful-0-Pep feeds. Farmers' Feed Grain.

3rd M'kt. ENDER WORK- -If they are not bad. don't bring them in. W. L.

Brooks. rear 216 Wayne avenue. he Best available rental vacancies are always found in The Times Recorder Signal and Sunday Times Signal NEW single gang cultipackers and used disc harrow. JOHN K. GRAHAM, Trinway RACTOR FARM MACHINERY Repair Service.

Estimates free. Expert mechanics. Zanesville Implement Co. 8th St. Phone 1367 GOOD 8-foot grain binders; one 12 International tractor.

plows and cultivator. FARMER'S IMPLEMENT CO. 368 N. 6th St. Phone 844.

PERIOR 9-disc grain drill: good condition. Eppley Zanesville, Rt. 1, Phone 5219-M-3. CORMICK DEERING power separator with electric motor, 800 lb. cabacity.

Used 2 years. Virgil La Fever, Norwich, Rt. YOU COULD IF SEE HEAT 1 Automobiles To aid in the enforcement of price controt on used cars, OPA now requires that persons advertising used senger automobiles for sale in newspapers and other publications must Include In the advertisem*nt the make of the car, the model year. the model body type. the seiler's offer Ing price, and the statement that the price is "within OPA ceiling.

WANTED TO BUY- Model A Ford or light coupe. Phone 5841-J after 5 o'clock. WE PAY HIGH DOLLAR Nash 52 S. 6th. Ph.

850. good used cars. Stiers Spring 1937 Studebaker 4-door sedan, good motor, new clutch and brakes. good tires, $403. within OPA ceiling.

Can be seen at Floyd Goins, 1529 W. Main. Trucks and Trailers 18 ft. House Trailer for sale. 716 Market St.

'36 Chev truck, long wb chas. cab $371 '37 Terraplane $295 DENISON'S USED CARS Maysville Pike, Opp. Imlay's Ph. 5273-J CASH FOR USED CARS SWINGLE MOTOR CO. 16-IN.


by MARION BODY SALES Ph. 1848 Rear 722 Main Ph. 987. Tires, Batteries, Parts GRADE III TIRES Ration tree. Popular sizes.

PUTNAM SCRAP IRON CO. 663 Muskingum Ave. Phone 1123 B. F. GOODRICH STORE Main Phone 3487 Tires Tubes -Batteries Recapping.

GLASS INSTALLED for all makes of cars trucks. New and used parts. Zanesville Auto Salvage Co. 304 North St. Phone 385.

BODY SHOP Body, Fender Repairs, Auto Painting 1356 Maysville Ave. Ph. 2741. Mufflers, Tail Pipes, Etc. Complete lubrication.

Battery charging Colopy's Sohio Station Marietta and Wayne Aves. Ph. 3430 GRADE III TIRES All Sizes, also Reliners BLICKSTEIN AUTO WRECKING 319 N. 7th at the Orange Front Auto Service, Repair BRAKE RELINING AND ADJUSTING WITCHIE MOTOR CO. 1265 W.

Main St. Ph. 1. 3474 EATON TIMKEN 2-Speed Axle Parts For all makes of trucks. CRAW 48 N.

3rd. Darby Auto Service 525 Market St. Phone 5904. DE SOTO PLYMOUTH Authorized Service Parts. Bob Miller Son, 647 Putnam.

Ph. 1300 328 N. 6th Phone 4795, GRIFFIN AUTO SERVICE Body, Fender. Painting. Gen.

Repair. Gasoline The more you burn The more you should learn THAT -CARBURETORS DON'T COST THEY SAVE GRANGER-422 South St. Wise Garage Welding Service, 211 Wayne Ave. Ph. 350.

CRANKSHAFT GRINDING Done in your own shop. Phone 3511. Automotive- Earl Miller Serving The Automotive Trade since 1920. Wholesale only, 931 Merrick, Ph. 5339.

THIS IS HOW A HOME, UNPROTECTED BY EFFICIENT COMBINATION WINDOWS WOULD LOOK IN WINTER Research reveals that it takes approximately 200 pounds of coal, or equivalent in fuel, to produce the heat which LEAKS THROUGH ONLY ONE average size, unprotected house win. dow during the cold season. Twenty such windows will waste 2 Tons of Coal. You can STOP this unnecessary fuel waste by having your home fully protected with Storm King's FORTRESS COMBINATION WINDOWS STORM KING COMBINATION WINDOWS mean more cash in your pocket -more comfort in your home. PRICE INCLUDES SURVEYS NO CASH COMPLETE AND AND ESTIMATES NECESSARY EXPERT WITHOUT 3 YEARS INSTALLATION OBLIGATION TO PAY Have Yours Installed NOW! 1 Call 2720 MANUFACTURER DISTRIBUTOR FORTRISS COME NATION WINTER WINDOWS SUMMER FACTORY SALIS BRANCH 726 Main Zanesville MIAMISEURO, O.

O'H1O KInG Motorcycle Bicycles '36 HARLEY good condition, tires, good paint. Raymond Garrett. Dresden 2934. BOY'S BICYCLE, good condition. $25.

Inquire 344 Spence Avenue or Phone 4490-M. LEGAL NOTICE Thomas Bennett, whose place of residence is 702 North Terre Haute, Indiana, will take notice that on the 8th day of October, 1945, Plaintiff. Marie Bennett, filed a petition against him in the Court of Common Pleas of Muskingum County, Ohio, the same being Case No. 33852 in said Court for a divorce. The prayer of said petition is for divorce other relief.

MARIE BENNETT By: Thomas A. Joseph, her attorney NOTICE to CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Muskingum County, Ohio, until 10:00 o'clock A. EST, on the 31st day of October, 1945, for the furnishing of all material and labor to install a sewage treatment plant at the Muskingum County Children's Home Avondale, on State Route 75, according to plans and specifications ap. proved by the State Department of Health under date of August 3, 1945, and on file in the office of the Muskingum County Auditor. All proposals shall be accompanied by a certified check, or some reliable surety bonding company bond, in the sum of of the sum of the proposal as submitted, conditioned if the successful bidder or bidders, that he or they will enter into contract with said Board, within 10 days from the date of opening of the proposals, for the execution of the contract.

The successful contractor or contractors to whom the contract is awarded will be required to give surety bond, or some reliable bonding company bond. in the sum of of the total sum of the contract or award, said bond to be satisfactory to the County Commissioners, and to be for the faithful performance of the contract in accordance with the plans and specifications. All proposals shall be sealed and plainly marked and sent or handed to the clerk of the County Commissioners, Zanesville, Ohio. Proposals shall be opened and read at 10 o'clock A. EST.

October 31, 1945, at the regular meeting place the Board in the Muskingum County Court House, Zanesville, Ohio, All proposals shall be dated and properly signed, and shall contain the names of all parties interested in the proposal as submitted. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids submitted, or to waive defects in the bids if it be to the best interest of the Board to do so. Drawings and specifications may be had upon application at the office of the Muskingum County Commissioners. A deposit of $5.00 will be required from the contractor for sets of drawIngs and specifications. This sum will be returned to the contractors who return undamaged sets of plans and specIfications on or before the date of opening.

By Order of Muskingum County Commissioners. M. PAISLEY, Clerk. 10-9 4t Tues Livestock ZANESVILLE PROVISION CO. Daily Livestock Market-Hogs, steady: 175-300 1b 14.70; 300-400 lb 14.70; packing sows 300-600 lb 13 to 13.95.

Grass cattle, steady; choice good. 14.50-15; medium cows, 7-8: trimmers bulls CHICAGO (USDA)-Salable hogs 3,500. total active and fully steady; good and choice barrows gilts at 140-lb up at the 14.10; 14.85 ceiling; good and choice sows at complete clearance. Salable cattle 17,000. total salable calves 1,500.

total practically all classes and grades of cattle active, strong to 25 cents higher all though lists except on bulls, and these steady with last week's advance; vealers strong, slaughter calves with weight slow but steady; better than 50 loads cholce steers and yearlings topped at 18.00 including mixed steer and helfer yearlings, good and choice fed steers and yearlings 15.75-| 18.00, most medium grades 14.75 down: two loads choice yearling helfers 17.75; bulk beef cows 9.25-12.50, canners and cutters 7.00-8.50; top 12.75 on welghty bulls; vealers 15.00 down: and sausage heavy calves 12.50 down: common and medium stocker and feeder steers fully choice Montana steer calves at 14.50. 25 cents higher at 10.50-12.50; Salable sheep 5,000, total 9,500: slaughter lambs and ewes steady; good and choice slaughter lambs 14.25-50: bucks 1.00 less; common lightweight sortout Jambs 10.50-11.50 bucks included; native slaughter ewes 6.50 and down according to grade. slaughter ewes of western origin slaughter and down according to grade, ewes of western origin in load lots mostly 4.60-5.50; good and choice interests 88- lb Montana lambs to feeding 15.25. PRODUCE MARKET COLUMBUS -(P)- (Producers Livestock Cooperative Assn) -Hogs 600 head: active, steady; A 180-300 lb 14.80; 300-400 14.80: 160-180 lb 14.80; 140- 160 1b 14.50-75; 100-140 1b 13.50-14.00: sows 14.05: stags 14.05 down. Cattle estimated at 1000 head; includes 100 head of lightweight stocker steers: all butcher cattle carried for today's auction.

Calves 300 head; steady; good to choice 15.00-16.00; prime 16.50-17.00; mediums 12.00 down: outs 7.00 down. Sheep and lambs head: steady to 25 cents higher; to choice trucked in lambs 13.00-14.00; strictly choice 14.50; mediums down; outs 8.00 down; sheep for slaughter 6.00 down; handyweights higher. CHICAGO PRODUCE CHICAGO-(P)-Butter: AA 92 score A 41; 90 89 cooking 39; cars 90 89 88 cooking 39. U. S.

Eggs: Extras U. S. 3 4 Extras 43 to 45: U. S. 1 2 47.8: Standards 39 to current receipts 38 to 40: dirties 28 to checks 27 29.

GRAIN MARKET futures were higher at the opening today with oats and rye reaching new seasonal peaks. Firmness in rye at Winnipeg influenced trading here. Wheat opened lower to higher than the previous close, December corn was unchanged to off, December oats were up to December rye was unchanged to 1 cent up, December and barley was down 14, December THE TIMES RECORDER: Steels Lead In Market's Demands NEW YORK, Oct. 15-(P)-Assorted stocks, led by steels, today continued in demand at peaks since early 1937 although many market leaders stumbled over profit cashing and top gains running to around three points were reduced in the majority of cases at the close. Transfers for the full proceedings totalled 1,630,000 shares compared with 1,560,000 last Thursday.

Purchasing inspiration still was based on pressure of Idle funds seeking an inflationary hedge, hopes for substantial tax cuts, good earnings and dividends. Accounts were lightened in numerous instances, however, because of the belief a technical correction was overdue. The Associated Press 60-stock composite was unchanged at 72.6, the top since March 17, 1937. It was the broadest market since June 28. Of 1,008 issues registering, 475 advanced and 313 declined.

In the "new high" division were Trans-America, McIntyre Porcupine, U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Western Union 'A, Electric Power and Light, Tidewater Oil and Distillers Corp. Ahead were American Telephone, Santa Fe, Texas Nash-Kelvinator, American Cable Radio. Deere, Anaconda, Dow Chemical, Woolworth and Philip Morris.

Among casualties were N. Y. Central. Southern Rallway. Chrysler, Goodyear.

Sears Roebuck. Douglas Aircraft, American Can. Commonwealth Southern (the day's most active mover) and Du Pont. In the curb Bowman-Biltmore jumped points. Lesser improvement was retained by Brown-Formen Distilleries.

Molybdenum and Noma Electric. Turnover was 740.000 shares versus 630,000 in the preceding session. DOW JONES AVERAGES High Low Close Chge. 30 .186.32 185.00 185.51 20 Rails 60.73 60.00 60.10 Utils. 35.39 35.04 35.18 65 Stocks.

69.32 68.71 68.89 Furnished by Merrill Lynch, Plerce, Fenner Beane. N. Y. Stock Market Stocks 1,630,000 Bonds $6,540,000 Curb Stocks 740,000 Curb Bonds $430,000 Furnished by Merril Lynch, Pierce, ner Beane, Jocal office Masonic Temple Building Telephones 657-658. High Low Close Air Reduction 51 52 Allied Mills Allis-Chalmers 53 American Can 110.

110 American Enc. Tile American Locomotive Am. Power Light Am. Radiator 17 Am. Smelting Am.

Steel Foundry 38 38 Am. Sugar Refinery Am. Tel Tel. Am. Tobacco 90 90 90 Am.

Rolling Mill do pid 99 Anaconda Copper Atchison Atlantic Refining 39 Aviation Corp Baldwin Loco 303 Baltimore Ohio 23 Barnsdall 21 21 Bell Aircraft 24 Bendix Aviation 61 Bethlehem Steel 95 Boeing Aircraft 28 Borden Brigg Mfg. Canadian Pacific Chesapeake Ohio Chrysler Motor 127 125 Colgate--Palm 40 40 Colo. Fuel Iron 29 Columbia Gas de Elec. do pid. 108 108 108 Com Solv.

19 Commonwealth South Consolidated Edison 17 Continental Can 50 Sinclair Corn Products 71 Oil of Dela. 35 Atlantic Coast Lines Carrier Corp 30 30 Cont. Motors 16 16 Curtiss Wright 73 do A Delaware Hudson 43 43 Douglas Aircraft 90 Dupont 191 190 190 Elec. Auto Lite 66 63 63 Firestone Rubber Foster Wheel 38 38 Freeport Texas 42 General Electric General Foods General Motors 73 74 Gillette Razor 20 20 Glidden Co. 38 38 Goodrich Goodyear 60 Gt.

Northern Pid. 60 Hayes Body Hazel Atlas Motors Illinois Central Inspiration Copper 15 15 Int Harvester 71 Int. Nickel Int. Tel. Tel.

Kennecott 45 45 Kresge Co. Kroger Groceries Libby Owens Plate 67 Lima Loco Liquid Carb 38 38 Loews, Inc. Aircraft 53 Lorillard Louisville Nashville 62 Mack Truck 62 Martin Glenn L. Math Alkali Miami Copper 10 Mid- Continent Mont. Ward National Acme Natl.

Biscuit Register 41 Dairy Prod. Natl. Cash Pan. Amn. Airways 21 Gulf Oil 58 Natl Dist.

Nati. Power 13 Nash- New York Central North Amer. Aviation North Amer. Co. 27 Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Owens Bottle Packard Motors Penney J.

C. Pennsylvania Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet 53 Pepsi-Cola Proct. Gam. A5 65 Fub. Sve.

N. J. 28 Pure Oil 20 Radio Corp Reading Co. Remington Rand Republic Steel 28 Reynolds Tobacco 391 Reynolds-Spring Rustless Iron Stores Schenley Dist 69 70 Sears Roebuck Servel Simmons Co. Socony Vacuum TUESDAY OCTOBER 15, Southern Pacific Southern Railway 49 491 Sperry Corp.

Standard Brands Standard Oil of Cal. 44 Standard of Ind. 41 41 Standard Oil of Standard of Ohio 25 25 Stone Webster 18 Studebaker Swift 38 38 Texas Co. 59 58 do Gulf Sulphur Texas Pacific L. Assoc Timken Roller Bearing.

65 Timken Det. Axle Un. Carbide Union Oil Cal. Union Pacific 139 United Aircraft 29 United Corp United G. I.

20 S. Ind. Alcohol 8. Rubber 70 70 U. S.

Steel do prid 151 Vanadium Warner Bros. 30 Western Auto Supply Western Union 56 Wheeling Steel 43 Westinghouse- Elect. 36 White Motors Woolworth Youngst'n Sheet Tube 65 NEW YORK CURB High Low Close American Cyanamid 46 46 Arkansas Nat Gas Babco*ck Wilcox Cities Service Electric Bond Int. Petroleum Lone Star Niagara Hudson Standard of Ky 21 21 21 MERCANTILE MARKET October Eggs, close 45.00 TREASURY POSITION WASHINGTON -(P)- Position treasury Oct. 11: Receipts $81.723.182.27: balance expenditures $196.739.530.23: 712.43: receipts fiscal vear July $11,929,515.793.74 expenditures fiscal year $24.981.172,777.54: excess of penditures total debt $262.262.786.445.32: decrease under prevous day $9,940.312.43.

Damage Action Is Filed A damage action for $10,185 has been filed in common pleas court by Lafern Edington of White, Cottage against Tracy near Otway. The action is a result of an automobile accident on the Maysville pike in Sept. 26. The plaintiff asks $10,000 for personal injuries and $185 for the her automobile. The plaintiff is represented by Leasure Walters.

HALLOWEEN VANDALS Several reports of damage to property by pre-Halloween celebrators have been received by police. A 15-foot section of picket fence has been torn down at the home of William Colby, 815 Homewood avenue, and a porch vase valued at $15 was broken at the home of Scott Morgan, Adair avenue. A garbage can valued at $4 has been taken from the home of Mrs. Doris Ball, 2354 Hoge avenue; a radio aerial torn from the automobile belonging to Parker Sniffin, of 732 Lexington avenue. A porch chair, taken from the home of Charles Love, 634 Seborn avenue, has been recovered.

Beanie And Bag by Laura Wheeler An pair, featuring easy -this knit beanie and drawstring bag! You'll team them up in double quick time! Compliments will go your head when you wear this smart knitted hat and Pattern 613 has complete directions; stitches. Send TWENTY CENTS in coin for this Marian Martin pattern. Write plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE FIFTEEN CENTS more brings you the Marian Martin Fall and Winter Pattern Book full of smart, easy-to-make styles. A free bedjacket pattedn is printed right in the book. Send your order to The Times Recorder, 168, Pattern Department, 232 West 18th New York 11, N.


The Stars Say- For Wednesday, October 17 By GENEVIEVE KEMBLE ALTHOUGH this may prove to be a very lively and interesting day with much stirring about with mental activity as well as physical energy pitched to high purpose and accomplishment, yet there may be several situations or complications to perplex and negative the most strenuous and ambitious efforts, New contracts, agreements and associations are probable, with travel, change, now propositions or deals in which straightforward and honest agreements succeed. If It Is Your Birthday Those whose birthday it is may anticipate a lively and interesting year in which change, travel, new associations as well as fresh and attractive proposals or opportunities are alluring and thrilling. However, there are several petty or trivial complications or perplexities in which adaptability, keen insight, together with direct action and honest purpose should win out against dubious situations. New contracts, writings, publicity, correspondence, should be carefully checked, A child born will have much versatility and adaptability, a keen mind and physical energies, which promise success and a lively CAreer, if soundly maneuvered. Mash sweet potatoes and blend them with cinnamon and garnish with paprika.

CHAPTER FORTY-FIVE SANDRA LEARNED the person to handle a Withington was another Withington. First one dominated, then the other. The visit that had started so dismally turned into success. girl understood Brody's absence when she went to the kitchen to start dinner. He was there, putting a huge beef roast into a pan.

The oven was roaring. "English people like rare roast beef," he said, then looked up and grinned. "So do ranch folks." "And so do "Everything's all right, isn't it Before the girl could reply he said: "I know'd it would be." Brody served the dinner, wearing a canvas apron that advertised beer, then sat down at the table. Probably Spenser's father never experienced anything like it, but he was determined not to be daunted by anything that did not daunt his son. Sandra was careful to give them plenty of time alone to discuss anything they care to.

Though he was crowded for time, Spenser's father managed a talk with Brody about Tex and hunting dogs in general. And he listened to cowpuncher's enthusiastic reports of Spenser's riding prowess in the western saddle. That same evening about 9 o'clock, when the boy's father had to leave, he still gave the appearance of being somewhat addled. Definitely, he did not approve of Spenser's life, but he had to approve of the fact that Spenser liked it. There was a alight awkwardness about him, As he took Sandra's hand.

"Cheerio, Sandra--and don't worry." She did not know what he said to his son because the boy went down to the car with him. The chaufteur hand motorcycle policeman, who been entertained and fed by Brody, now were waiting to insure speedy trip to the airport. From porch Sandra watched the boy and his father embrace. The man kissed Spenser's cheek, then bent and kissed it a second time. The boy did not move until the long machine had left the grounds was far down the street.

Then he leaped up the steps, two at time. "I get to kiss Belinda," he screeched. "Father gave me an extra one for her." 'Romance faded into ambition. "Wonder when I'll have chance at a motorcycle escort. I'd like a siren." He went into an imitation of one.

Sandra popped her hands over her ears. "You're too good, ser. Stop it." "Oh, I forgot," he said contritely. "Your headache." The girl remembered her claimed headache of four days and said weakly: "It's better now. I'll go to the studio you tomorrow." She had the same excuse with, to Bob Wakeman, to prevent his Nips Topple From Power (Continued from Page 1) who have charged the supreme commander has been too soft in handling the Japanese.

"Today, Japanese armed forces I throughout Japan completed their demobilization and ceased to exist as such," MacArthur said. "These forces now are completely abol-, ished. "I know of no demobilization in history, either in war or peace, by our own or by any other country, that has been accomplished SO rapidly or so frictionlessly." Lay Down Arms More than 7,000,000 Japanese in the home islands and outlying I areas have laid down their arms, MacArthur said. "Nothing could exceed the abjectness, humiliation and finality of this surrender," he added. "It is not only physically thorough but it has been equally destructive of Japanese spirit.

From swagger and arrogance the former Japanese military have passed to servility and fear. They are thoroughly beaten ELEVEN and cowed, and tremble before the terrible retribution of the surrender terms imposed upon their country in punishment for its great sins." The general said in tribute to American troops; "With a few exceptions they could well be taken as a model for all time as a quering army. High Praise For Soldiers "No historian in later. years when passions have cooled can Arraign their conduct." In contrast to "some, concepts that have been advanced," the Japanese army was thoroughly defeated before its surrender, MacArthur said. "The victory was a triumph," he declared, "for the concept of comintegration of three sions of war--ground, sea and air.

By thorough use of each arm in conjunction with corresponding utilization of the other two, the enemy was reduced to a condition of helplessness. "By largely avoiding methods involving separate use of the services, and by avoiding methods of frontal assault as far as possible, our combined power forced the collapse with relative light loss, probably unparalleled by any campaigns in history." Bowling Scores Scores LEAGUE At Prindle's Recreation Cohen's Men's Store J. Wilson 191.231 148 570 Schramm 172 313 158 543 Durant 151 142 149 442 Slonaker 161 147 161 469 Morosco 182 153 132 467 Totals 857 886 748 2491 AEF Cafe Morin 149 164 125 438 Thornton 144 149 144 McKeown 118. 199 155 452 Culver 113 137 250 Kress 157 188 141 486 Taylor 136 136 Totals 881 816 702 2199 SPECIAL MATCH. At Prindle's Recreation "Earles" Cambridge T'Ul Coss 195 222 194 611 Braun 176 183 172 530 Atchison 145 146 237 528 Hosteld 213 195 159 567 Orahoska 144 180 178 502 Totals 873 925 940 2738 Flood's Bar Grill T'll Riehl 167 185 193 545 Maneely 137 140 197 474 Thornton 182 175 145 502 Cater 176 310.202 588 Neal 176 155 179 510 Totals 838 865 916 2619 ARMCO LEAGUE At Prindle's Recreation Office Patterson 178 18 189 485 Wright 137 138 157 432 Culver 133 142 114 389 Morin 181 144 203 528 Dinan 144 145 159 448 Handicap 12 12 12 36 Totals 785 699 834 2318 (Office Won and game) Turn No.

2 T'Ul Newton 166 141 455 Blank 135 135 135 405 Blank 135 135 135 405 Blank 135 135 135 405 Blank 135 135 135 405 Handicap 11 11 11 33 Totals 717 699 692 2108 Processing T'u Richardson 150 194 199 543 Shaw 158 159 173 490 Weidig 169 161 179 509 Thornton 188 168 134 Blank 135 135 135 405 Handicap 3 Totals 801 818 820 2440 Police T'u McKeown 148 147 203 498 R. Thornton 137 158 139 434 Gilchrist 103 110 166 379 Kress 147 159 144 450 Blank 135 135 405 18 Handicap Totals 676 715 793 21841 Turn No. T'il Stewards T'u Rowe 143 154 140 437 Simmons 122 141 352 Neal 171 132 178 481 Richards 121 142 119 383 Rusk 149 139 174 McConnell 181 160 123 464 Adams 154 110 127 391 Blank 125 125 125 375 A. Rich'son 147 189 120 456 Blank 125 125 125 375 Handicap 3 Totals 674 693 581 1948 Totals 765 725 740.2230 Inspection T'U BALL CHAIN Hodgson 171 137 154 462 At Prindle's Recreation Sunkel 141 166 148 455 Griffith Realtors Tu Berry 115 134 141 390 L. Flowers 166 197 163 526 Dougherty 189 189 155 533 I.

Flowers 186 112 137 435 Greten 189 166 218 573 Smith 195 160 153 500 Handicap 21 L. Shiplett 186 212 169 567 Totals 812 799 823 2434 A.Shiplett 191 189 211 591 MASONIC LEAGUE Totals 924 870 833 2627 At Prindle's Recreation Dad's Root Beer Levels Schenk 160 163 158 481 Murray 138 131 201 470 B.Smith 146. 129 126 401 Orndorff 134 151 144 429 H. Prindle 158 169 198 525 Cusick 161 187 146 494 L.Beatty 139 165 185 Cohagan 123 178 174 475 R.Smith 182 140 142 164 196 172 132 500 Totals 185 766 809 2360 Totals 752 819 797 2368 Gauges T'U Soliday's T'U Robinson 175 159 212 546 L.Soliday 188 133 177 508 Barrett 145 202 153 500 B. Soliday 127 116 174 417 Sherwood 147 205 124 476 R.

Adams 147 152 154 453 Alter 162 180 161 503 Kirby 123 192 160 475 Sheridan 155 170 183 598 Howard 147 178 212 537 Totals 784 916 833 2533 Totals 732 771 877 2390 Presto Restaurant T'Il Gavels T'u Hoffer 174 125 480 Watson 164 174 144 482 C. Morosko 173 137 167 477 Thompson 144 159 164 467 Boetcher 164 178 157 405 Tresenrider 155 170 149 474 Massuros 144 124 112 380 D. Hart'eyer 181 169 127 477 Wilson 155 180 189 524 L.Hart'eyer 182 180 160 523 Totals 810 744 806 2360 Totals 826 852 744 2422 Deacons T'il Jim Wolf Insurance Horner 178 171 201 550 Ed. Sorrell 205 165 154 524 Neff 135 122 131 388 Ev. Sorrell 131 142 150 423 Mauk 127 157 159 443 L.

Bentter 184 148 213 545 Barnecut 138 163 135 436 B.Show'ers 155 171 147 473 Blank 125 125 125 375 J. Wolf 169 179 141 489 Totals 703 738 751 2192 Totals 844 805 805 2454 Home Furnishings T't Trowels Tyo 235 179 193 607 Schafer 146 128 133 407 Ludwig 151 123 132 400 Norman 176 152 162 490 Bryan 193 171 177 541 Rice 146 181 135 462 Newcomer 158 174 235 567 Bohn 158 149 186 493 Lewellen 161 180 195 530 Wikin 115 131 135 381 Totals 898 827 932 2657 Totals 741 741 751 2233 Worden's TI Roberts 126 194 464 Morris Snyder Dinn 127 114 96 337 Tenwinkle 180 172 173 531 McPherson 130 178 130 438 Ch.Flowers 97 120 136 353 Bucknor 68 113 103 284 Carl Fl'wers 206 201 159 568 Blank 125 125 125 375 S.Prindle 162 149 160 471 Totals 594 656 648 1898 Stewart 172 206 199 577 Totals 817 848 827 2498 Squares Coco- -Cola T'U Lawson 194 '191 151 526 R. Dodd 178 162 161 501 Manley 150 140 179 469 Huffman 132 164 431 Bishott 114 111 126 351 Johnston 164 187 106 457 Warman 158 168 129 455 B. Dodd 112 145 112 369 Watkins 180 305 148 533 Neal 201 149 189 539 Totals 796 815 733 Totals 787 778 732 2297 DISTRIBUTED CARLETON KING FEATURES SYNDICATE popping in to interfere with Mr. Withington's unpredictable visit.

Strangely, he had obeyed. But tonight, perhaps a half hour after Spenser's father had gone, Bob arrived without any previous announcement. "I'm tired of being treated as if I had rabies. Here are some posies." He handed her a cellophane-topped box, holding green orchids. "And two hundred aspirin." He gave her another package, then studied her carefully.

"Personally, I don't believe you've had a headache." "I haven't," she admitted. "I was leading the cloistered life because I knew Spenser's father was coming. I didn't know when, mo I to be prepared." How grateful she was that Bob's impromptu visit had not coincided. "You shouldn't have come so late." Wakeman brushed aside her reprimand. "Love knows no set hours." He snatched her into his arms and whispered: "Darling, you are beautiful." "Now Bob!" she said sternly.

He allowed her to draw away, then stood gazing at her. "I used to admire you for your genius, Sandra, and because you were so chic. You always looked exciting. Now you aren't chic. You are sort of gentle pretty, instead.

And it's still better. you have changed, Sandra." "Spenser has changed me. To look more like his mother. I think he hoped his father propose to me." She gave an embarrassed laugh. "But he didn't.

The resemblance made him angry." Bob Wakeman looked disturbed. "But at least he was emotional. That proves something. I'll bet it he were around long enough his animosity would change to love -oh, I wish you'd never taken. this boy.

He has upset everything." "Spenser has nothing to do with whom I love, Bob." The girl's voice was sharp. "And I don't love you." "Some day you will," he said, uncut by her words. He was so serious that Sandra let him have his way. She shrugged, then said: "You must go now. It's late." "But darn it, Sandra, I don't want to go.

I'm called back to the store. I have to leave in the morning- I could kill Benet. Please, darling, when are you coming back to Wakeman-Benet "When Spenser's affairs permit." "Good lord, Sandra, by then you may not even have an idea." She chuckled derisively. "Then I'll accept Superior Studios' offer. Or, perhaps open my own shop in Beverly Hills.

I wouldn't be the first designer to do that." "It's unthinkable. 'Sandra' belongs to us. Why, it would be unprofessional-uh, bigamy, or something." "You must go," the girl said once more. "Oh, all right. all right.

So long as I never did get past the entrance hall I may as well go, But I'll keep 613 trying, Sandra darling. I'd be 50 much better for you than Gordon, even if you could have him." His words, all too true, put coldness about the girl's heart. "Goodby, Bob." She leaned and kissed him of her own accord. knowing that was the best method of getting rid of him. As a rule Belinda, who had studio pass, joined Sandra and Spenser on Friday afternoons, AS soon as school was dismissed.

Then, when Spenser had finished work, they dashed somewhere for dinner, making a celebration of the weekend reunion. But on this Friday, no Belinda. Consequently they hurried home, thinking she was there with Brody. She was there, not happily visiting with the old cowpuncher, but weeping on his shoulder. Several pieces of her luggage were in the main hall.

"It's happened," she sobbed. "If you mean you're moving in with us," said the boy, "I don't see anything to cry about." "I'm going back to the Mesquite." She wailed all the more, at the mention of the name. Brody said: "Her mother called. She saw all Spenser's publicity and she's sore. Said if she had known the boy was in this part of the woods she'd never have let Belinda be here and for her to get home.

Right now." "I'm not surprised," murmured Sandra. When Spenser's father left, the boy had managed to control him. self and not cry. Now it seemed he would not be able to keep from it. Sandra put a tight grip on his shoulder, pivoting him so that she could coerce him with her eyes.

The boy took courage. "Don't cry, Belinda," he said. "It's def'nit'ly moldy right now. Just another of her rummy ideas. She'll tire of having you there, just as she did before.

Then you can come back." He leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Wolf." she gulped through tears. "Hollywood wolf." "Oh, that's from father. He sent it to you." He kissed her again. "That's from Wolf Loud laughter leaped his lips when she, suddenly smiled.

"Cheer up, let's have some fun and not think about being separated." But no happiness could be forced the following morning when it actually was time for Belinda and Brody to drive away. The situation was especially bad when she was told she could not take her dog. Brody was forced to tell her: "Tex almost got run over, That's why I brought him here." Lindy, "SHE did it. On purpose. I hate her," screamed Belinda.

"She tried to kill my dog. I hate her! I hate her! I'll always hate her." She threw herself on the automobile cushions. out of sight of Sandra and Spenser. Brody drove the little pickup truck A away. (To Be Continued).

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.